DigiTrak Falcon F2+ Locator System
For sale DigiTrak Falcon F2+ Locator System for HDD Horizontal Directional Drilling Drill Head, everything is in great condition, ready to working to measure and works flawlessly with DCI working standards.
Scan for interference between 4.5 and 45 kHz and choose the two best bands. Depth and data readings through traffic signal loops, power lines, and invisible dog fences
Product Features
- Maintain depth and data readings through interference sources such as Traffic loops, power lines, and invisible dog fences
- Easy Infrared Pairing
- Ball-in-the-Box guidance technology you already know
- Active Interference Analysis
- Frequency Optimization (100 ft depth/125 ft data range)
- Max Mode Boosts Data Range and Stabilizes Depth Readings
Depth & Data: Increased depth and data range – 160/200 ft (48/61m) combined with more frequencies to get more jobs done.
Quick Scan Pair: Quick Scan Pair - with just two clicks, it’s now easier to scan, pick, and pair your locator to custom frequencies
Multi-Power: Multi-power - Three easily selectable power modes for deeper bores, longer battery life, and faster data rates.
Falcon Technology: Scans over 500 frequencies to customize your locator to find the best bands for your job site
New 19'' Multi-Power Capability: New 19’’ capability for the deepest and most powerful DigiTrak F2+ transmitter on the market
24 Roll Clock Positions: 24 clock positions to give your drill operator twice the choice and twice the precision.